Last Updated on October 25, 2020 by Natalie
Are you a seasoned traveler or a novice? Either way, traveling with kids changes how you do things. While a flight delay might be an annoying experience for a solo traveler, it can be downright awful for those with young, hungry, tired, and bored children.
If you’re planning on flying with a toddler or preschooler, these quick and easy tips will help you get through your flights. Make your travel days go smoothly. Or at least as smoothly as possible. Go forth and embark on family friendly travel!
Tips for flying with a toddler or preschooler
Now that we live in Mexico, we are traveling a lot more often. My kids went on their first international trip at ages 3 and 4. As they grow, the tips below are what I use to make our travels between destinations go as smoothly as possible. They’ve gotten me through restless kids on a normal day and airport delays.
I used to be scared of airplane travel with kids. Then, I did it. It turns out that traveling abroad with kids doesn’t have to be the worst thing in the world. Sometimes, it can be pleasant. Here are some helpful tips for flying with children.

Quick Tips for Flying with Kids
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1. Always Expect the Unexpected
Veteran travelers know that planes are often delayed, bags are lost, or traffic can be at a standstill. While I fully embrace being an optimist, shit happens while traveling that is completely out of your control. Lack of preparation can make a bad travel day much, much worse when kids are involved. Expect the unexpected to the best of your ability and pack your carry-on with delays and cancellations in mind.
2. Overpack the Snacks
Packs lots of snacks for kids while traveling. Overpack them. It’s so much better to have too many snacks than have a child trapped on a plane without any sustenance. Food is one of the most important things to keep on hand while traveling. My kids lose it when they are hungry and it’s best for everyone if I do all that is within my power to avoid hungry, upset kiddos.
Our favorite snacks are protein bars. I’ve also packed chips, granola bars, and fruit and veggie pouches.
3. Bring extra clothing in your carry-on
I know it’s a pain, but count on clothing getting wet or soiled during travel, especially when traveling with babies. It won’t always happen, but it’s best to plan for it. On our first international trip AND first flight with kids, my daughter was throwing up during the night and again at the airport. Thankfully, she avoided puking on herself or me, but others aren’t always so lucky. We’ve used packing cubes, vacuum travel bags (my husband’s favorite), or gallon ziploc bags for each extra outfit. If your own clothes are big adult sizes, even having a clean shirt will do wonders for you during a challenging travel day.
4. Bring some brand new toys or activities
It is worth it to bring along new-to-your-child toys when traveling. We were so fortunate to have received several gifts before we moved that I could tuck into my carry-on luggage and pull out as a surprise.I’ll also check out the grocery store sale bins and the thrift store for small toys. I can usually find the perfect items for very reasonable prices.
During our first trip to Mexico, I ended up buying an expensive fake-lego set in the airport for my son because we had nothing for him to do (and we’d forgotten their tablets). Sometimes, I overpack the activities, too. It helped me out during a 2 hour airport delay when I was traveling solo with my two kids.
5. Allow technology even if you normally don’t
Even though there is room for some toys and activities in your bag, you can’t bring the kitchen sink when you travel. It is really helpful to have a kid’s tablet with a game or two loaded up for kids who are old enough to play while traveling (make sure the games you choose don’t need wifi). Check with your local library, as they may lend out something suitable. We bring tablets that are kid dedicated and somehow, we still end up having to relinquish our phones for a time. In case of battery failure, here are some non-tech travel ideas and the best travel toys for toddlers and preschoolers.
6. Bring hand sanitizer wipes
They are sold in travel size packs and fit well in a purse or carry-on. Airplanes are gross. You will want to wipe the tray tables before your kids use them. You may not even be a germaphobe and you’ll still want to wipe things before use. Even though I know germ exposure isn’t necessarily a bad thing, taking an airplane trip is like germ overload. It’s okay to be the parent who wipes everything.
7. Stay patient, especially with your kids
When delays happen, model for your children the best you that you can be. Don’t be the jerk who is yelling at airline personnel over delays that aren’t their fault. Show compassion, empathy, and patience to the airline personnel and your children. Your reward will not be instant and in fact, you may not see it for years. But your children are watching how you react to adversity. They learn from you. In turn, they may become more empathetic parents themselves.
➜ Okay, now you’re ready to go, right? Here are 10 reasons why you should take a family holiday in Sicily from Babies with Backpacks. A welcoming, family friendly destination makes traveling with children easier, too!

Real life vacation photos with kids. Being an expat and traveling family doesn’t suddenly change our personalities.
Final Thoughts
Take your kids when you travel, even though it may feel a little scary the first time. It gets easier each time and the benefits will far outweigh the hardships. Children learn so much from exploring new places. Hopefully, these tips will help you get through tough flight travel with kids, so you can go forth, travel, and take the kids with confidence!
Do you have feedback on these tips for flying with kids? My readers provide the best feedback. Please leave a comment with your suggestions. Thank you!
Hey Natalie, great tips. I am heading to Florida from Spain (where I love) with two small kids in Florida and the panic has already set in : ) I actually hadn’t thought about the possibility of flight delays—thanks for freaking me out! I’ve already done it a few times, but I’m always looking for more tips and tricks. I absolutely agree with the hand sanitizer and the new toys!
I live in fear of the flight delay. You can do it! It’s a long trip, but it can be done and hopefully will not be as bad as anticipated.
Hand sanitizer for airline travel is another life saver. As are new toys and activities.