I love baby wearing and I want to see everyone have the opportunity to try it with their babies! Moms, dads, and other caregivers come in different sizes. Carriers are starting to reflect that and many can be adjusted to fit almost everyone. Baby carriers also provide a huge benefit to traveling parents. What are the best baby carriers for plus size parents? Let’s look at the options, their sizes, and the pros of each carrier. Let’s find the best baby carrier for plus size mom, dad, and other caregivers!
Natalie was an expat living in Queretaro, Mexico for 5 years. She and her family travel as often as possible.
Travel with Baby without Losing Your Sanity: The Best Baby Carriers for Travel
It isn’t a secret that I love babywearing. I knew even while pregnant that I wanted to wear my babies because it seemed so easy. Guess what? It did make my life so much easier. Especially when my second baby was born and my oldest was only 12 months old! Naturally, when we started traveling, I continued to use my baby carriers. They were so helpful on our first international flight when my younger child (age 3) was vomiting all night before our flight. She slept in the carrier during our layover. For a long time, I always flew with my travel baby carrier and our car seats. It was totally worth it! How do you find the best baby carriers for travel?
Love them or hate them, a good travel bra is a necessity. When traveling, we all need things to be easier than they are at home, due to limited washing facilities. When I travel, I want the most comfortable bra that I can find. However, it needs to be versatile enough that it offers quick dry technology and still looks decent. It also needs to provide some support. Let’s look at the best quick dry bras for travel!
I have way too many fandoms… Since I love all things Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Star Trek, Galaxy Quest, Men in Black, and Ghostbusters, I’ve only represented a few in my quest to find awesome nerdy Valentine’s gifts that are practical for travel. I’ve also included some Valentine’s gift ideas that are practical and romantic.
Find the Best Travel Pillow for Kids: So Maybe They’ll Actually Sleep on the Airplane
When we are traveling with our kids, we want them to be as comfortable as possible. It’s especially true if we hope they will sleep on the airplane. Of course, you want to find the best kids airplane pillow for their needs. Which children’s neck pillow has the best features? For instance, do you want a travel pillow with a strap or is that not necessary? There are many pillows and they have different pros and cons. Let’s find the best travel pillow for kids!
When You Want to be Squished: Guide to the Best Compression Socks for Travel
When it’s time to travel, do you jump up and down with delight? Or do you groan, knowing that your feet and legs are going to hurt after so many hours in the airport and in flight? Even if the excitement of travel is enough to overcome foot and leg pain, compression socks might just turn your groans into joy. Especially during a long haul flight! It may be the only time you actually want to be squished on an airplane: wearing compression socks!
The Royal Haciendas All Inclusive, Playa del Carmen Review (Unsponsored)
“Book the trip,” my husband told me over the phone. It was the eve of my 40th birthday. I’d been moping about, though not because I was turning 40. There have been a lot of sad events this past year for friends of mine. Though it isn’t my sadness, I was affected by their tragedies. Between that and being envious of a friend’s 40th birthday trip to Belize, I was feeling blue. I didn’t want to be blue on my birthday! I was excited to be turning 40. So, we booked the trip to the Royal Haciendas in Playa del Carmen, Mexico.
My feet often feel ice cold in the winter. Sometimes, they just need the suggestion of winter to get cold. I often use a microwavable foot warmer to help my feet get warm so that I can fall asleep at night. Yes, I use it even in Mexico! What are the best foot warmers?
Let’s check out the options!